Tailwind CSS templates with a wicked design.
Do more meaningful work by dividing your time into intervals and by taking regular breaks to get more work or studying done. .
Block Websites that distract and make you unproductive. Adding sites to the block list will block sites when the work timer is on.
App introduces a point-based reward system to make work a bit more fun and also remind you every action has a price.
Tailwind CSS templates with a wicked design.
Do more meaningful work by dividing your time into intervals and by taking regular breaks to get more work or studying done. .
Block Websites that distract and make you unproductive. Adding sites to the block list will block sites when the work timer is on.
App introduces a point-based reward system to make work a bit more fun and also remind you every action has a price.
Tailwind CSS templates with a wicked design.
"Wicked Templates is the next killer app. Wicked Templates was worth a fortune to my company."
"Thanks Wicked Templates! I couldn't have asked for more than this. Man, this thing is getting better and better as I learn more about it. Nice work on your Wicked Templates."
"I love Wicked Templates. I could probably go into sales for you."
"Great job, I will definitely be ordering again! I couldn't have asked for more than this. Really good."
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"Your company is truly upstanding and is behind its product 100%."